Discussion: Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research
Day 3 of Week 3
All Participants should post a response to at least one presentation based on your own research in the form of an edited, 3-paragraph, formal academic peer review. In your review, be sure to do the following:
· Assess the conceptualization, analysis, and synthesis of key research concepts presented.
· Evaluate whether the presentation provides a cohesive summary of the assigned concepts with an effective evaluation of their implications for multicultural management research, as well as business practices and social change initiatives.
· Assess whether the presenter made a meaningful academic argument or interpretation that demonstrated fluency with the material.
Between Days 4 and 7 of Week 3
All course members (Presenters and Participants) should respond to at least two colleagues’ postings by addressing the following summative considerations that pertain specifically to the topics for this 2-week unit:
· In what ways do the readings provided in this 2-week unit’s Learning Resources and those identified by you and your colleagues answer important “so what?” questions in the field of multicultural management?
· How are these readings potentially valuable to research in the field?
· Are there any notable gaps (i.e., contradictions, arguments, disagreements, or areas of divergence) within this set of readings that point to potential topics for future research?
· How would you follow up to extend or explore these gaps?
Please note that, for each response, you must include a minimum of one appropriately cited scholarly reference.