{ 5 Pages, APA Format, References }
Assignment: Doctoral Study Components
Review the requirements for your three selected research components on the Doctoral Study Rubric.
By Day 7
Submit the initial draft of your three subsections to your Chair for review. Each component must map to the Doctoral Study Rubric and include proper APA format and style. Throughout the rest of this course, you will finalize these three components and make necessary revisions based on feedback from your Chair.
Note: Be sure to use the DBA Doctoral Study Template to complete this Assignment. Refer to the Week 2 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.
(2.5) Research Design
Qualitative studies
a. Identifies the use of case study research design.
b. Justifies the use of the research design over other key designs for the study.
c. Identifies how the student will ensure data saturation.
d. It is recommended to support claims and decisions with multiple scholarly peer-reviewed or seminal sources (as appropriate).
(2.8) Ethical Research
a. Discusses the informed consent process.
b. Discusses participant procedures for withdrawing from the study.
c. Describes any incentives for participating.
d. Clarifies measures that the student will use to assure that the ethical protection of participants is adequate.
e. Refers to agreement documents in the (a) appendices, and (b) Table of Contents.
f. Includes statement that the student will store the data securely for 5 years to protect confidentiality of participants.
g. Final Doctoral Study includes the Walden IRB approval number.
h. Identifies how the student will protect names of individuals or organizations to keep the participants and organizations confidential.
i. It is recommended to support claims and decisions with multiple scholarly peer-reviewed or seminal sources (as appropriate).
(2.10) Data Collection Instruments (Qualitative Studies Only)
a. In addition to identifying the student as the primary data collection instrument, identifies the data collection instrument/process (e.g., informal interview, semistructured interviews, phenomenological in-depth interviews, focus groups, company/archival documents, etc.).
b. Clarifies how the student will use the data collection instrument/technique (the process/protocol).
c. Identifies how the student will enhance the reliability and validity of the data collection instrument/process (e.g., member checking, transcript review, pilot test, etc.).
d. Identifies where in appendices the instrument (e.g., interview protocol, focus group protocol, interview questions, etc.) is (are) located. Ensures Table of Contents lists appendices.
e. It is recommended to support claims and decisions with multiple scholarly peer-reviewed or seminal sources (as appropriate).
Course: DDBA 9001 Doctoral Study Completion