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DDBA/8300 Entire Course ( Week 1 to Week 8 Assignment and DQ ) NEW

DDBA 8300 - Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology for Applied Business Research 

(**** APA Format + References ****) Latest--NEW

DDBA8300 Week 1 Discussion 1 Research Philosophies Methodologies

DDBA-8300 Week 1 Discussion 2 Ethical Considerations in Practice

DDBA/8300 Week 2 Assignment Conducting a Literature Review on a Research Problem – Phenomenon

DDBA 8300 Week 2 Discussion Critical Analysis in a Literature Review

DDBA_8300 Week 3 Assignment Conducting a Literature Review on a Theoretical Conceptual Framework

DDBA 8300 Week 3 Discussion The Importance of Theoretical Conceptual Framework in Research

DDBA 8300 Week 4 Assignment Revised Problem Statement

DDBA8300 Week 4 Discussion Peer Critique of Revised Problem Statements

DDBA 8300 Week 5 Assignment Draft Quantitative Prospectus

DDBA 8300 Week 5 Discussion Alignment Within Quantitative Studies

DDBA 8300 Week 6 Assignment Draft Qualitative Prospectus

DDBA 8300 Week 6 Discussion Alignment Within Qualitative Studies

DDBA 8300 Week 7 Assignment Draft Doctoral Study Prospectus

DDBA 8300 Week 7 Discussion Understanding the Research Process

DDBA 8300 Week 8 Discussion 1 Judging Research Quality

DDBA 8300 Week 8 Discussion 2 Use and Misuse of Research Studies for Social Change

                                           DDBA8300 Entire

DDBA-8300,Qual Quant Method Applied Rsch

Week 1 Discussion 1 Research Philosophies Methodologies

Post an analysis of the relationship between your personal research philosophy and quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Your analysis should include the following:

·         Identify the key concepts, propositions, precepts, etc., of your personal research philosophy, including any rationale for your choice.

·         Analyze the relationship between your research philosophy and the chosen research methodology for your Doctoral Study.

·         Analyze how the choice of methodology can impact a Doctoral Study, as well as influence later research decisions and results.

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Week 1 Discussion 2 Ethical Considerations in Practice

Post an analysis of ethical considerations for target populations within the doctoral research process. Your analysis should include the following:

·         Briefly describe a target population within your Doctoral Study, including any relevant factors that could be scrutinized by an IRB committee.

·         Identify specific ethical considerations for the target population within your Doctoral Study, including access, data, or publication restrictions, for example.

·         Explain how this population and its ethical considerations impact both the process and the overall value of your doctoral research study.

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Week 2 Assignment: Conducting a Literature Review on a Research Problem – Phenomenon

Submit a 4- to 5-page literature review in which you critically analyze and synthesize the six articles (three quantitative and three qualitative) related to your specific business problem. For each article, complete the following:

·         Critical Analysis

o   Identify the problem.

o   Describe the major finding(s).

o   Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the study.

·         Synthesis

o   Describe the placement of the research problem/phenomenon area.

o   Explain the relationship of the study to existing literature.

Note: Be sure to use the APA Course Paper Template (6th ed.) to complete this Assignment. Also, refer to the Week 2 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Week 2 Discussion Critical Analysis in a Literature Review

Post an evaluation of critical analysis within the context of a literature review, using your selected business research study as evidence for your assertions. Your evaluation should include the following:

·         Briefly describe the study’s key components, such as purpose, problem, framework, and findings.

·         Assess the study’s viability within a literature review, including characteristics like current knowledge, substantive data, and relevance. Be sure to include supportive examples.

·         Explain how critical analysis of the literature on your topic (problem/phenomenon) can inform your view of the problem and your ultimate research philosophy. Be sure to include supportive examples.

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Week 3 Assignment: Conducting a Literature Review on a Theoretical Conceptual Framework

To prepare for this Assignment, review this week’s Learning Resources, and conduct a literature search in the Walden Library for articles where the author(s) grounded their study within the “same” theoretical/conceptual framework you propose for your Doctoral Study. Focus only on full-text, scholarly or peer-reviewed articles or doctoral studies/dissertations so that you have six (three quantitative and three qualitative) viable scholarly sources. Be sure to review Section 1.14 of the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook, provided in this week’s Required Readings, for further details of literature reviews and their requirements.

Submit a 4- to 5-page literature review in which you critically analyze and synthesize these six articles (three quantitative, three qualitative) related to your theoretical/conceptual framework. For each article, complete the following:

·         Critical Analysis

o   Identify the theoretical/conceptual framework of the study.

o   Describe the major finding(s).

o   Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the study.

·         Synthesis

o   Describe the placement of the research within theoretical/conceptual framework.

o   Explain the relationship of study to existing literature.

Note: Be sure to use the APA Course Paper Template (6th ed.) to complete this Assignment. Also, refer to the Week 3 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Week 3 Discussion: The Importance of Theoretical Conceptual Framework in Research

Post an analysis of the role of theoretical/conceptual frameworks in your Doctoral Study research. Your analysis should include the following:

·         Briefly describe your Doctoral Study’s theoretical/conceptual framework, including use of deductive or inductive reasoning.

·         Explain how this framework applies to your specific study, including relevant and supportive examples.

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Week 4 Assignment Revised Problem Statement

Assignment: Revised Problem Statement

Submit the following:

·         One quantitative Problem Statement, based on draft Problem Statement submitted in DDBA 8161 and revised to incorporate any relevant feedback from your peers

·         One qualitative Problem Statement, based on draft Problem Statement submitted in DDBA 8161 and revised to incorporate any relevant feedback from your peers

·         A 1-page description and rationale for changes made to both quantitative and qualitative Problem Statements, including supportive references to the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook

Week 4 Discussion Peer Critique of Revised Problem Statements

To prepare for this Discussion, review the criteria for evaluating a business problem statement located on page 13 of the DBA Prospectus Guide, as well as Section 1.3 in the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook, provided in this week’s Required Readings. Consider how the choice of quantitative or qualitative research methodology does or does not impact specific evaluation criteria.

Post a draft of your revised Problem Statement. Your draft should include the following:

·         One quantitative Problem Statement, based on the draft Problem Statement you submitted in Week 8 of DDBA 8161

·         One qualitative Problem Statement, based on the draft Problem Statement you submitted in Week 8 of DDBA 8161

Refer to the Week 4 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Week 5 Assignment Draft Quantitative Prospectus

To prepare for this Assignment, review pages 13–16 in the DBA Doctoral Study Prospectus Guide, as well as Sections 1.4, 1.6, and 1.7 of the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook for details on requirements for a Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, Nature of the Study, Research Question(s), and Hypotheses for a quantitative study. You should also review Appendix B, “Quantitative Primer” in the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook for comprehensive details on ensuring accurate quantitative research design.

Submit a draft quantitative Doctoral Study Prospectus that includes the following:

·         Problem Statement (not to exceed 150 words)

·         Purpose Statement (not to exceed 200 words)

·         Nature of the Study (not to exceed 1 page)

·         Research Question(s) and Hypotheses (20 words max per item)

·         Theoretical Framework (not to exceed 1 page)

·         References page

Please refer to the DBA Doctoral Study Prospectus Guide and the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook for more specific information about the length/requirements for each component in the Doctoral Study Prospectus.

Week 5 Discussion Alignment Within Quantitative Studies

Post an assessment of your chosen quantitative study utilized in Week 2. Your assessment should include the following:

·         Briefly describe the key components of your chosen article: problem statement, purpose statement, theoretical framework, research question(s), and hypotheses. (Note: You will attach a copy of this study to your Discussion post.)

·         Analyze the alignment between these components, including areas of misalignment.

o   Explain the level of alignment between these specific components, including any areas that may be lacking.

o   Recommend at least one change that could improve alignment within this study, including a rationale for your recommendation.

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Week 6 Assignment Draft Qualitative Prospectus

To prepare for this Assignment, review pages 13–16 in the DBA Doctoral Study Prospectus Guide, as well as Sections 1.4, 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10 of the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook for details on requirements for a Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, Nature of the Study, Research Question(s), Interview Questions, and Conceptual Framework for a qualitative study.

Submit a draft qualitative Doctoral Study Prospectus that includes the following:

·         Problem Statement (not to exceed 150 words)

·         Purpose Statement (not to exceed 200 words)

·         Nature of the Study (not to exceed 1 page)

·         Research Question(s) (20 words max per item) and Interview Questions (may include up to 6 to 10 questions depending on the type of study)

·         Conceptual Framework (not to exceed 1 page)

·         References page

Please refer to the DBA Doctoral Study Prospectus Guide and the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook for more specific information about the length/requirements for each component in the Doctoral Study Prospectus.

Week 6 Discussion Alignment Within Qualitative Studies

Post an assessment of your chosen qualitative study utilized in Week 2. Your assessment should include the following:

·         Briefly describe key components of your chosen article: problem statement, purpose statement, conceptual framework, research question(s), and interview questions. (Note: You will attach a copy of this study to your Discussion post.)

·         Analyze the alignment between these components, including areas of misalignment.

o   Explain the level of alignment between these specific components, including areas that may be lacking.

o   Recommend at least one change that could improve alignment within this study, including a rationale for your recommendation.

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Week 7 Assignment Draft Doctoral Study Prospectus

Submit your Doctoral Study Prospectus draft, using the Doctoral Study Template, and include the following elements:

·         Problem Statement

·         Purpose Statement

·         Nature of the Study

·         Central Research Question and Interview Questions (qualitative) or Research Question(s) and Hypotheses (quantitative)

·         Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

·         Significance of the Study

·         Review of the Professional and Academic Literature

·         Minimum of 10 peer-reviewed references

Please refer to the DBA Doctoral Study Prospectus Guide for more specific information about the length/requirements for each component in the Doctoral Study Prospectus.

Week 7 Discussion Understanding the Research Process

Post an assessment of your understanding of the research process. Your assessment should include the following:

·         How has your learning from this experience influenced what you will do going forward through your doctoral study process? Be sure to provide supportive examples.

·         What areas of weaknesses can you build upon going forward into your Doctoral Study? Be sure to provide supportive examples.

·         What opportunities have you identified for promoting positive social change based on your increased understanding? Explain.

·         What further questions do you still have about the doctoral research process?

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Week 8 Discussion 1 Judging Research Quality

To prepare for this Discussion, review the resources from Morse (2015) and Heale and Twycross (2015) before considering the difference in quality criteria for quantitative (reliability and validity) and qualitative (dependability, credibility, transferability, and trustworthiness) methodologies. Further, consider how these concepts can be applied within your development as a research professional and a global change agent.

Post an application of research quality criteria within the context of your work as a doctoral researcher and global change agent. Your application should include the following:

·         As an independent scholar, what does the concept of “research quality” mean to you? Explain, and provide supportive examples.

·         In your opinion, what are the most critical components for evaluating the quality of a quantitative or qualitative research study? Explain, and provide supportive examples.

·         As a global change agent, how will you ensure research quality in your doctoral research study to promote positive social change?

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Week 8 Discussion 2 Use and Misuse of Research Studies for Social Change

To prepare for this Discussion, review the resources from Bartholet (2014), O’Connor (2013), and Fedina (2015), and reflect on the growing use of reporting on research studies in different avenues of popular media (television, social media, radio, etc.). Also, consider what major aspects of a research study may or may not be discussed when shared in the media, and how these choices may impact a study’s relevance in the field of study and greater community. Further, consider how the concept of research quality can be applied to widely publicized studies, and how the different criteria (credibility, validity, etc.) can be an opportunity for promoting positive social change.

Post an analysis of the use and misuse of research studies for promoting positive social change. Your analysis should include the following:

·         How does misuse occur when publicizing emerging research studies? Explain with supportive examples.

·         What is the responsibility of a researcher when promoting positive social change? Explain.

·         How can researchers utilize research studies to promote change within their given field?

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

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