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DDBA 8582 Week 5 Discussion 2 Presentation Peer Review Presenter and Participants (D2–W5)

Discussion 2: Presentation Peer Review: Presenter and Participants (D2–W5)

2 pages solution included

Presenter(s) and Participants:

By Day 3 and 7 of Week 5 

Continue the Discussion on both the Participants’ and Presenter(s)’ postings by addressing the following summative considerations that pertain specifically to the topics for this 2–week unit:

·         In what ways do the readings provided in this week’s Learning Resources and those identified by you and your colleagues answer important “so what?” questions in the field of human resources?
·         How are these readings potentially valuable for research in the field?
·         Are there any important gaps (i.e., contradictions, arguments, disagreements, or areas of divergence) within this set of readings that point to potential topics for future research?
·         How would you follow up to extend or explore these gaps?

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